TWW Helps Nicaraguan Beekeeping Co-ops Obtain Hefty Government Grants

May 30, 2013


This month, The Working World Nicaragua is helping two local beekeeping cooperatives access important government financing to drastically expand and improve the quality of their honey production.  If all goes well, they will increase their productive capacity enough to compete with other large-scale honey producers in Nicaragua and even enter the export market!

Here’s how it works: The cooperatives have to put up a portion of the investment using their own capital or resources (in this case, with partial financing from The Working World).  Then, the government fronts the remaining part of the investment as a grant.

The Specifics:

Cooperativa Los Maribios: An under $4K investment from TheWorking World will have a nearly $35K impact!

Worker-owners from Cooperativa Los Maribios pose for a picture at their first assembly.



Total Investment: U$34,447

Government Grant: U$29,280

Cooperative’s Counterpart (U$5,167): Los Maribios (U$1,392) + The Working World loan (U$3,775)





Cooperativa La Leonesa:An under $4K investment from The Working World will have a $15K impact!

Three worker-owners take a break outside of the processing plant with Scott and Karen from TWW.



Total Investment: U$ 15,111

Government Grant: U$ 10,578

Cooperative’s Counterpart (U$ 4,533): La Leonesa (U$ 873) + The Working World loan (U$ 3,660)





Congrats to these growing worker-owned businesses.  In the coming weeks, be sure to check back for updates on their progress!