A week-long internal debate and planning session
April 23, 2012
At La Base Argentina, we decided to take the last week of March exclusively for a planning session focusing on the steps we need to take to take the organization to a new level of activity, resources, personnel, visibility and lending capacity. It was, as expected, a very intense week, in which no aspect of our work was left unexamined. Several collective decisions have come out of that week, which we will be communicating and implementing as the workload allows.
- One of the main goals is to incorporate two new members in June, one in administration and one to strengthen the loan agent team, and then a further agent in September.
- Our interest rate will be updated to the inflation rates and our expenses, but we will not be deciding that new rate unilaterally: in line with our policy of transparency and participation, we will consult with key cooperative members so that the final rate comes out of consensus and mutual understanding.
- We will also be applying to several possible sources of funding, as time allows.
- We also decided to set time aside each week to focus on institutional work and implementing the goals decided during the week, and concentrate our attention to coops in our office in the last two days of the work week.
We are very enthusiastic with the new plan we have set for ourselves and believe that La Base Argentina will come out of it as a stronger, more sustainable organization with increased impact in the creation of democratic work.